Saturday, November 15, 2014

The seasons have changed.

Summer is warm and all, but fall has officially arrived. The weather is actually pretty warm, but now this past week it has gotten very cold. By this time of year three years ago it was already snowing. Even though the temperatures are below freezing, not a flake of snow has landed.

I have an ongoing battle with myself about the weather. To me, the perfect weather is cloudy yet warm. I'm not a fan of sitting in the sun, but I also don't like walking out in the biting cold. Still, I love the cold months because of the fashion and trends that come with them. Spring is wet and cold. Not my favorite season by any means.

I can look outside now and see brown leaves and naked trees. The green grass that was full of life just weeks ago is now browning in small, scattered patches. Every morning I wake up to see frost clinging to the still green pine needles and coating the lawn. It won't be long until snow, then Christmas. Yay!

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