Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Spin pins?

What are these? Well, they are something that gets the job done. In all seriousness, they are a lifesaver and the perfect pin to use when putting your long locks in a bun.

Messy, imperfect buns are something that, for me anyway, need to be perfect. Try as I might, the combination of long, slippery hair sends bobby pins sliding out from wherever I put them. Sometimes they even come out bent. I went out one day with my hair up in a bun. It looked nice, and I had roughly five bobby pins in. I also believe that every five minutes I was readjusting the pins.

While I was browsing in Fred Meyer, I saw these devices. They come in a pack of two and I added them to my basket out of curiosity. While coming in a pack of two seems cheap (you don't buy only two bobby pins, do you?), Tow gets the job done, though I confess to buying more. 

You literally twist this in the bit of hair you want to stay, a wah-lah! Done, and it stays. I seriously recommend this for anyone with long or slippery hair, or both. It is definitely an investment, though I don't think they were expensive by any means.

In all, yes, purchase, you won't regret it!

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